Here is just a collection of things that I enjoy and will give you a better idea of the world I live in....
Please take some time to browse through my previous postings on the left side of the page.

I hope you enjoy my random thoughts and blog subjects...
thanks - Mike

ferroequinologist (n)

Latin ferrum iron + Latin equus horse + -logist
A railroad or model railroad enthusiast. (From Dow's Dictionary of Railway Quotations.) "Ferroequino" derives from the Latin for "iron horse," an early term for a locomotive.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

From my workbench

Scratch Building 101

As part of our local division NMRA meetings we recently had a few clinics on scratch building. I am short on HOn3 freight and thought what the hay, I would go ahead and build up a couple of 30' flats and begin to build up my narrow gauge fleet. A few weekends of work at that bench yielded my second attempt at scratching building. (my first was many years ago when I was teen)

I have a long way to go in building up my skills but I am some what pleased with the outcome. I purchased a Ames Steam Engine kit on Ebay and split the kit up to be shared with the 2 flats.

The under carriages were some what of a challenge but it but I learned alot. Next time I will paint the entire wheel and mask off the flange area. The truss rods presented an issue with regards to wheel turning clearance.

Well, the next car will probably be a crummy. All and all scratch building is a blast. I just want to send some kudos to Duane Richardson MMR, our division president for spending time with us showing me the ropes.

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