Here is just a collection of things that I enjoy and will give you a better idea of the world I live in....
Please take some time to browse through my previous postings on the left side of the page.

I hope you enjoy my random thoughts and blog subjects...
thanks - Mike

ferroequinologist (n)

Latin ferrum iron + Latin equus horse + -logist
A railroad or model railroad enthusiast. (From Dow's Dictionary of Railway Quotations.) "Ferroequino" derives from the Latin for "iron horse," an early term for a locomotive.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

From My Workbench

I am working on my Locomotive AP and thought about taking a old blue box Athearn locomotive and super detailing it. I had 3 SD-45 units, one dummy and two power units and started with them. This first one will be the dummy unit. Thus far there are a total of 133 details.

 Thanks to Cannon and Company for his help in part selection...
 A lot of details west and detail associates parts
 This will be a Cotton Belt unit, the other two will be Southern Pacific units with elephant ears.
 This is the "practice" unit, learned a lot from this one...
 I will post updates as I go along.. until then..