Here is just a collection of things that I enjoy and will give you a better idea of the world I live in....
Please take some time to browse through my previous postings on the left side of the page.

I hope you enjoy my random thoughts and blog subjects...
thanks - Mike

ferroequinologist (n)

Latin ferrum iron + Latin equus horse + -logist
A railroad or model railroad enthusiast. (From Dow's Dictionary of Railway Quotations.) "Ferroequino" derives from the Latin for "iron horse," an early term for a locomotive.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Convention coming up!

Well I have been cramming to get a model ready for the  up and coming NMRA Lone Star Region convention being held in Houston Texas from June 6th through 10th.  As with every year, I wait until the last minute to get it ready for judging. I will say however that it is coming along well. Just have some finishing touches I am working on to take it to the next level. I have been inspired by Laurie McLean MMR from Australia regarding his work with automation (thanks Laurie your work is incredible) and will try a couple of things he has done on my scene as well as one I dont think has been done before. Anyway if you get a chance check out his youtube channel at

Well back to the workbench and hope to see you in Houston!... here is the link for the convention....

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