Here is just a collection of things that I enjoy and will give you a better idea of the world I live in....
Please take some time to browse through my previous postings on the left side of the page.

I hope you enjoy my random thoughts and blog subjects...
thanks - Mike

ferroequinologist (n)

Latin ferrum iron + Latin equus horse + -logist
A railroad or model railroad enthusiast. (From Dow's Dictionary of Railway Quotations.) "Ferroequino" derives from the Latin for "iron horse," an early term for a locomotive.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lone Star Region Convention

Sorry I have not been posting a lot of late, I have been really hitting the workbench attempting to have some models ready for the up and coming Lone Star Region Convention. It is being held in San Antonio the first week of June. I encourage any NMRA members to head over, it promises to be quite a convention this year.
Here is the link and hope to see you there....